Brilliant grenade red in colour with...
In Friuli, and far beyond this special land of very special people and wines, the name Livio Felluga is synonymous with all that is best in the oenological heritage. The long family tradition extends over five generations, back to the days when the Fellugas were making Refosco and Malvasia in their native Isola d’Istria.
Seventy years ago, the family’s skills were transferred to Friuli by the eldest son of the fourth generation, Livio, whose great privilege it is to be regarded as the patriarch of viticulture and winemaking in the region.
In the 1950s, Livio set up the cellar at Brazzano, sealing his love for the hill country with the far-sighted purchase of the first Felluga vineyards at Rosazzo.
It was a success destined to endure, thanks to Livio’s absolute, and at times obstinate, dedication to the land. He knows every step of his estate. He lives and breathes the land, because over the years his patience and determination have shaped it with a gentle hand, shunning aggressive intervention to coax out the best the soil can give. Rosazzo bears witness to this.
Today, the Livio Felluga estate extends over more than 160 hectares of hill country in the Collio and Colli Orientali del Friuli, with 155 hectares planted to vine. The vineyards yield exclusively great wines with instantly recognisable fragrances and aromas.
Native Friulan varietal with a long tradition. In his 1390 "Annals of Friuli" Di Manzano writes ".. the Roman ambassadors offered twenty igastariis (vessels used as measurement during the time) of Refosco to the Dominican general.."
A variety originally from France, Sauvignon was introduced into Friuli under the Hapsburgs and became widely planted in the early 20th century. The wine is refreshing and captivating, with a generously wide, distinctive range of aromas, with notes of exotic fruit, yellow pepper, tomato leaf, mint and box hedge notes. It's a traditional wine from Friuli